Everyone has core motivations that drive their actions and behaviours. We are licensed practitioners in The Why of You Powered by PRINT®, a groundbreaking model developed by The Paul Hertz Group that uncovers the motivations and behaviours driving human actions.
This approach explains why people act the way they do, make certain choices, and thrive in some situations more than others. By revealing these core motivators, PRINT® provides insights that enhance self-awareness, strengthen relationships, and unlock potential.
PRINT® identifies 72 unique profiles, each with its own natural strengths (Best Self) and challenges (Shadow). No PRINT® is better than another—each has distinct gifts and contributions. Our work focuses on helping individuals reduce Shadow behaviour, which often arises under stress, and amplify Best Self behaviour, which correlates with improved performance and fulfilment.
By understanding the "why" behind behaviours, we help accelerate growth, enhance performance, and drive meaningful transformation.